The Future of the PMC
The UC People Management Conference was a great success over its first three years; unfortunately however, due to COVID-19-related restrictions, the conference has been on hiatus. The People Management Conference team is using this opportunity to analyze participant feedback, and revamp the content and format of future PMCs to even better serve new and returning attendees.
The UC People Management Conference
Since 2017, the UC People Management Conference has brought together leaders from across the UC system to learn about current management topics, exchange best practices, collaborate with their peers, and continue their development and growth as UC people managers and leaders. Past conferences have further explored specific themes, such as the importance of culture change, and building a culture of collaboration and trust. Conference participants come away re-energized from an unforgettable two days of learning, inspiration and fun, with knowledge, connections and tools to help them achieve their goals and maximize their teams' full potential.
Each UC People Management Conference has featured an exciting agenda of events, including breakout sessions and workshops guided by UC leaders and external speakers, covering human resources and management practices; inspiring and insightful keynote addresses; an exhibitor hall; community and wellness events; a pre-conference, networking reception dinner; and more!

Conference details:
Attendees must have completed one of the following programs in order to attend:
Past PMC Attendee Testimonials
“I am looking forward to getting back to my campus, where I plan to implement some of what I have learned here.”
“I feel like I am supported by UC when I am able to participate in programs like this.”
“Outstanding conference all around. I was really impressed with how well it was run, the speakers and variety of topics. I learned a lot!”